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Original Karlo van Rompaey über PIPA, aus 2 Nationalsieger Geerinckx x Rompaey (62114304)

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Bezüglich meiner Umstellung auf reine OLR Tauben verkaufe ich einige Originale Zuchttauben die ich in den letzten Jahren bei Pipa ersteigert habe.

Hier eine Top Täubin gezogen aus 2 Nationalsiegern.

Jungtauben aus dieser Taube können auf Anfrage auch erworben werden.


Bred from ‘Luc’, 1. Nat. Argenton – 12,446 birds
Bred from ‘Prima Dora’, 1. Nat Bourges 2015 – 18,864 birds


Halfsister to
1. Sourdun – 473 birds
1. Vervins – 320 birds / 3. Mid Limburg – 3,854 birds
1. Sézanne – 107 birds
4. Laon – 365 birds
5. Laon – 426 birds
100. Nat. Argenton – 21,915 birds
Winner of
1. Nat. Argenton – 12,446 birds
69. Nat. Montluçon – 17,865 birds
139. Nat. Argenton – 11,001 birds
Father to ‘Miss Favourite’
2. Noyon – 410 birds
6. Châteauroux – 2,664 birds
15. Tours – 574 birds

75. Châteauroux – 5,070 birds
108. Montluçon – 11,056 birds
184. Tulle – 5,731 birds
Father to ‘Lady Bourges’
2. Nat. zone Bourges – 4,130 birds
Father to ‘Fantast’
58. Nat. Châteauroux – 25,710 birds
Bred from toppair ‘Blauwe ijzeren’ x Eenwitpen Willyke’, breeders of
- ‘Iron Lady’
1. Châteauroux – 2,611 birds
2. Nat. La Souterraine – 4,778 birds
3. Nat. Argenton – 5,756 birds
- ‘Iron Star’
1. Châteauroux – 2,412 birds
43. Nat. Bourges – 22,476 birds
Winner of
1. Nat. Bourges 2015 – 18,864 birds
1. Laon – 430 birds
1. Sourdun – 85 birds
4. Laon – 254 birds
342. Nat. Bourges 2014 – 10,141 birds
(Grand)mother to winners of
1. Sourdun - 473 birds
1. Vervins - 320 birds / 3. s-prov. - 3,854 birds
1. Argenton - 303 birds / 10. Nat. - 21,915 birds
1. Mettet - 279 birds
1. Chimay - 251  birds / 2. s-prov. - 3,695  birds
1. Chevrainvilliers - 142 birds / 9. prov. - 5,627 birds
1. Sourdun - 107 birds
Bred from ‘Edu’, father to more toppers including

1. Soissons - 700 birds
1. Sourdun - 266 birds
1. Vierzon - 256 birds / 9. prov. - 1,375 birds
1. Laon - 254 birds
1. Laon - 220 birds
1. Chevrainvilliers - 205 birds / 5. prov. - 3,553 birds (‘Prima Dorus’)
1. Laon - 203 birds
2. Bourges - 306 birds / 270. Nat. - 12,449 birds (‘Prima Dorus’)
2. Gien - 193 birds / 21. prov. - 4,593 birds (‘Prima Dorus’)
2. Chimay - 182 birds
Also 4.-5.-5. prize
62. Nat. Tulle - 7,322 birds
114. Nat. Châteauroux - 12,071 birds
180. Nat. Châteauroux - 14,955 birds (‘Prima Dorus’)
Also 222.-232.-342.-422. National
‘Edu’ is half brother to ‘J.I.T.’, topbreeder Van Rompaey
- Father to ‘Futuro’
Father to winners of at least 6x 1. prize 
Father to 10.-16.-25.-34.-35.-38.-39.-51. Nat.
- Father to ‘Lange Mo’
Topbreeder & father 15.-20.-56.-72.-72. Nat. 
- Father to ‘Long Ace’
1. prov. acepigeon long distance KBDB 2017
- Father to ‘Mini Dora’
1. Sourdun - 188 birds
25. Nat. Argenton - 9,970 birds
41. Nat. Bourges - 24,019 birds
Also 208.-785. Nat. & mother 3x 1. prize
Bred from ‘Poulidora’, great racer & breeder granddaughter ‘Gaston’ x ‘Josephine’ 
Winner of
1. Tulle - 814 birds / 2. prov. - 587 birds
1. Melun - 157 birds / 15. prov. - 1,653 birds

1. Souillac - 120 birds / 2. prov. - 442 birds
1. Argenton - 91 birds / 95. Nat. Zone - 5,754 birds
Grandchild to ‘Gaston’
1. St. Witz - 1,396 birds 272 km 
Total winner 6x 1. prize
Also 2.-3.-5.-8.-8.-9.-10. prize
17. prov. Orléans - 2,887 birds 410 km
Grandchild to ‘Josephine’ 001/04 
Also winner 2.-6. prize
- Sister to ‘Jos’
1. Nat. Bourges old - 9,896 birds 2005
Original Karlo Van Rompaey


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